How much youtube pay for 1000 views in usa?
How much youtube pay for 1 view?
You will find all of these questions answer on my youtube channel: masudbcl . I have Youtube Payment related video tutorial playlist. You can check all of the youtube videos together in a playlist. I have shared all of my youtube payment proof together. If you want to earn from home or work from home or earn from youtube or earn from video : than this youtube video tutorial playlist will help you a lot.
Youtube earning : I am earning from youtube for the last 1 year. I got youtube monetization approval from 6th January 2021. But I have received my first payment on August 2021. Up to today I have received 6th payment from youtube monetization program. You can see the details of my 6th payment on this video.
See the stats after download the image.
From USA: Total views 2211
Total revenue as a55% : $37.54
As a 45% youtube taken $30.71
So the total revenue for 2271 views: $37.54+ $30.71 = $68.25
Now the calculation is: How much I got paid from USA for every 1000 views?
Total views= 2211/1000= 2.21k
Total revenue = $68.25
Total revenue/ Total views= $30.88
How much youtube pay for 1 view?
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