
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Horrible Youtube Earning. Earnt 250$. Got paid 101$. Still now USA Tax cut is pending.

Previous 40$ USA TAx cut proof article:

Previous balance: $79.97 
November balance: $44.15 
Another balance: 2.96$

Previously paid Tax cut: nearly 48$ after giving 45% to Youtube. 
Total Balance would be: 127.08
Balance available now: $101.70 

Than this Time Tax cut: $25.38 
Previously Tax cut: $40.00 nearly 

The proves are available on my blog: masudbcl.blogspot.

Thus it means: for receiving I gave tax cut: 65.38

As a 55%: I got paid 101.70$
Youtube cuts: 45%. = $83.20 
There the total earnings are: $101.70 + $83.20 + USA ATx cut: $65.38 =$250.28.

By earning 250$ I got paid 101$. 
Its call horrible and terrible Youtubing in this world. 

It was on my confusuion: what youtube does if I take 3 months of time in case of receive one payment.
Clearly got the proof. They said 10% but taking number of huge without any calculation.

Do they know math or any kind of calculation?
See the proves. 

Still now USA Tax cut is pending. This types of incidents are occurring after getting new Youtube payment tab on Adsense.
Can Youtube develop a personal payment tab or button to pay their creators by Paypal or by Bitcoin  directly from Youtube studio analytics program.

Note: I have submitted Bangladeshi E Tin number to get adsense promised 10% on 3 categories. But here got cut 22%+ for receiving this 100$. 

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